• Open Courses


    • To understand key concepts in development communication
    • To understand the role of communication in Development
    • To gain knowledge and skills in communication strategies and techniques for social work practice


    • MODULE I
      Communication: Definition, objectives, purpose, evolution, barriers Communication and Development- Concept of development, Relationship of Development and Communication
    • MODULE II:Theoretical framework of Development Communication (18 hours)Dominant and alternate paradigms of development, modernization theory, dependency theory, globalization theory, diffusion of innovations theory, participatory approaches
    • MODULE III:Communication strategies and development (18 hours)
      Communication strategies for rural development – print media, radio, television, community radio, new media Communication strategies for women’s development and empowerment, health, family welfare and population management, ecological conservation and sustainable development
      ICT for Development – Indian experiences –satellite instructional television experiment, kheda communication project, Jhabua Development Communication project, telemedicine, e governance experiments
      Brand positioning- Concept, advantages, process. Brand Equity- Meaning & Definition, advantages, factors contributing to brand equity, measurement of brand equity.
    • MODULE V:Communication Techniques for Social Work Practice (12 hours)
      Group communication techniques - Lectures, forum, brain storming, guided discussion, case study, role play, demonstration
      Mass Media in Social work practice: Exhibition, Cinema, Television, Radio, Print Media, Theatre & Local or Folk Media, Information Technology, World Wide Web
    • MODULE VI:Skill training: (14 hours)
      Public speaking, meetings, conference, seminar, effective written communication, street theatre